Project Management Unit

Project Management Unit

Project Management Unit was established after approval in Board Meeting no. 138, Resolution no. 1554. The main objective of PMU was to carryout various infrastructure in RUDA area which includes T.P./D.P. roads, water supply projects, underground drainage projects, Solid waste management and Street light projects.



  • Metal Road : villages of RUDA are divided into 4 zones namely East zone, West Zone, North Zone and South Zone. 2 layer metal roads of TP/DP and approach road of villages joining the main road were constructed in all zones of RUDA area.
  • A total of 86 k.m length of roads were constructed at a cost of Rs. 16.00 Crores.

Bitumen Roads

  • Various important roads of villages connecting the major highways as well as important roads which required widening and strengthening was done by PMU.
  • Roads which were first done metalling were also carpeted with Bitumen in this time.
  • A total of 49.00 kilometers of bitumen roads were constructed at a cost of Rs. 35.00 Crores.

Ring Road -2

  • Rajkot city is developing at a very fast rate and the surrounding area outside RMC limits are growing at a similar rate. There is constant growing traffic congestion on the city roads as regular inflow of outside traffic and logistics is been seen in the last few years with growing industrial area around the city. Thus to tackle traffic congestion RUDA has completed the construction 9 km stretch of Ring road -2 from Ghanteshwar village on Jamnagar Highway to Mota Mawa village on Kalawad highway as phase 1.
  • Phase 2 of ring road will be constructed from Mota Mawa village on Kalawad highway to Pardi village on Gondal highway (NH-8).
  • Phase 3 village include construction of Ring road -2 from Gondal highway to Ahmedabad Highway.
  • The first phase of Ring road -2 (Jamnagar Highway to Kalawad Highway) passes from rapidly growing villages cum Urban areas like Ghanteshwar, Vajdi Gadh, Munjka and Motamawa.
  • While the second phase of Ring road -2 (Kalawad road to Gondal Road) is under process. Tenders have been invited and the work will start shortly.

Various Civil works

  • RUDA had initiated completion of various civil works in RUDA villages upto a funding of Rs. 10.00 lakhs.
  • These civil works included works like: paver blocks, compounds walls, small scale water supply lines, drainage lines etc.
  • Villages like Nyara, Bedi, Parapipaliya, HAdmatiya, Vavdi, Kherdi, Gunda, Kuvadava have benefitted from this scheme.

Water supply and Drainage Projects

  • Under the SWARNIM JAYANTI MUKHYA MANTRI SHEHRI VIKAS YOJANA (SJMMSVY), RUDA was allocated a fund of Rs.159.52 Crores for implementing Water supply and Drainage Projects in rapidly growing RUDA villages. Rs. 37.76 Crores were allotted for Water supply Projects and Rs. 121.76 Crores were allotted for Drainage Projects.
  • These projects are considered keep in mind the population of 30 years and growth of the areas as Urban areas.
  • Under SJMMSVY, RUDA implemented water supply projects in: GHANTESHWAR, ANANDPAR, HARIPAR(PAL) AND BEDI villages, while Drainage projects were implemented in: KOTHARIYA, VAVDI, MUNJKA, MADHAPR AND MOTAMAVA villages. 15 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant projects for Treatment of sewage water from Kothariya and Vavdi villages is also under construction funded under SJMMSVY.
  • Water supply projects in Anandpar and Bedi are completed while that in Ghanteshwar and Haripar (Pal) will be completed in short period.
  • Drainage projects in Kothariya & Munjka are nearing completion while the Drainage projects of Madhapar, Motamawa, and Vavdi will be completed soon.
  • 15 MLD STP projects will be commissioned soon.
  • Salient features of water supply projects
    • Ghanteshwar W/S scheme : 94 lac lit. GSR storage - : 30 lac lit ESR storage
    • Anandpar W/S scheme : 32.10 Lac lit GSR storage - : 24.10 lac lit ESR storage
    • Haripar (Pal) W/s Scheme : 40 lac lit GSR storage - : 14 lac lit ESR storage
    • Bedi W/S scheme : 25 lac lit GSR Storage
  • Salient Features of Drainage Projects: the total population that will be served by Drainage projects will be approximately 1.70 lakh and approximately 150.0 k.m. collection network lines have been laid.
  • A total area of around 3000 hectares will be covered by drainage projects.


  • Under the Nirmal Gujarat Yojana RUDA implemented the Solid waste management projects in all its villages
  • Various equipments like Containers, Hand carts, PE buckets, Brooms and metal tray and plates were purchased from this Grant.
  • RUDA from its self fund purchased a truck mounted Refuse compactor of 18 Cu.Mt. capacity.
  • The scheme included door to door collection, disposal in containers, lifting by Refuse compactor and Scientific disposal in land fill site located in Nakravadi village of Rajkot Municipal Corporation.
  • RUDA plans to implement this project in extreme villages so that every village can be catered and RUDA shall play its role in Mahatma Gandhi Swachta Abhiyan.

LED street light Projects

  • RUDA has also initiated the last leg in infrastructure facilities in its area called the Street Lighting works.
  • From its own fund RUDA commissioned the 6.00 km length LED street light project on Kalawad Highway from Cosmoplex Cinema to Metoda GIDC.
  • Under SJMMSVY funds all villages of RUDA were illuminated with LED street light.
  • Other projects like: Kothariya village main road LED street light project and Ishwariya Mahadev temple main road from Madhapar village upto Mahadev temple in Madhapar village have been successfully completed.
  • RUDA will shortly commence the work of LED street light project on various necessary locations on Ring road -2 and along the approach road of RUDA Housing projects.
  • RUDA is also planning to implement other LED street light projects for which site survey is under process.


  • RUDA has taken up the construction of affordable housing scheme for Economically weaker section (EWS) and Lower Income Group (LIG) in TP scheme no.9 of Motamawa-Munjka area.
  • Total cost of the Project is Rs.6962.00 lakhs.
  • A total of 1020 dwellings units have been constructed of which: 876 are EWS (25 and 334 (30 are LIG houses. Total 25 towers have been constructed.
  • At present RUDA has initiated the process of handing over the dwelling units to beneficiaries.
  • The projects is jointly funded by Central Government, State Government, RUDA and beneficiaries. The details are as below:

    Funding EWS LIG
    Central Govt. Rs.75000/- per DU Rs.75000/- per DU
    State Govt. Rs.1,50,000/- per DU Rs. 25000/- per DU
    Beneficiaires Rs. 3,00,000/- Rs. 7,50,000/-
    RUDA Rs. 45000/- per DU Rs. 65000/- per DU


  • Under the rehabilitation scheme, the area of Modinagar was cleared as it was in the ROW of ring road -2. These people who lost their houses in the demolition are allotted new houses in RUDA TP scheme no.9.
  • The total cost of the project is Rs. 530.00 Lakh.
  • Construction of 136 dwelling units are under construction.
  • The project is jointly funded by Central Government, State Government, RUDA and beneficiaries. The details are as below:

    Funding EWS
    Central Govt. Rs.1,50,000/- per DU
    State Govt. Rs.1,50,000/- per DU
    Beneficiaires Rs. 50,000/- per DU
    RUDA Rs. 1,00,000/- per DU


  • RUDA has planned to construct 1764 dwelling in EWS-1 (30, LIG-2 (50 & MIG -1 (65 in TP scheme no.9 Motamawa Munja.

Contact Us

Rajkot Urban Development Authority,
Shri Chimanbhai Patel Vikas Bhavan, Post Box No.238, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot Gujarat, India.



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